We live in a divided world where people have strong opinions on topics like migration, racism and nationalism.
This project is about living together in cultural diversity. I was just as curious about the stories and convictions of white nationalists as about those of migrants.
My curiosity brought me to Bressoux, a migrant neighbourhood in Liège, not far from my hometown Maastricht. I started photographing and filming there in 2016. Four years later it resulted into I Believe | The World in a Suburb, an interactive multimedia documentary in English, French and Dutch.
This map below is your starting point to discover Bressoux from behind your laptop. You can wonder around for hours, just by clicking on one of the 27 icons to start a story. And with every click a door opens where outsiders usually don’t enter.
You’ll meet wise and friendly people. No matter where they come from, or how they were educated, each of them has something to say that’s valuable for you and me better to understand the complex world we live in.
And at the same time, it’s an opportunity to reconsider your own assumptions.